(Licensed to Oxford Applied Research Ltd. from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC, España Patent PCT/ES2011/070032 2010)
The Multiple Ion Cluster Source with 3 independent 1 inch or 2 inch magnetrons

Generation of pure nanoparticles with a single magnetron

Generation of alloy nanoparticles with 2 magnetrons

Generation of Core/Shell Gold/Silver nanoparticles

Further examples and papers:

TEM image of Core@shell, Co@Au nanoparticle. Courtesy of Dr. Alvaro Mayoral (IMNA-CSIC)
Related papers:
Novel Co@Au structure formed in bimetallic core@shell nanoparticles. A. Mayoral, D. Llamosa and Y. Huttel, Chemical Communications 51, 8442 (2015).

TEM image of CoAu alloy nanoparticle and corresponding diffraction pattern. Courtesy of Dr. Alvaro Mayoral (IMNA-CSIC)
Related papers:
The Ultimate Step Towards a Tailored Engineering of Core@Shell and Core@Shell@Shell Nanoparticles. D. Llamosa P, M. Ruano, L. Martínez, A. Mayoral, E. Román, M. García-Hernández and Y. Huttel, Nanoscale 6, 13483 (2014).

TEM image of Core@shell, Ag@Au nanoparticle. Courtesy of Dr. Yves Huttel (ICMM-CSIC)
Related papers:
The Ultimate Step Towards a Tailored Engineering of Core@Shell and Core@Shell@Shell Nanoparticles. D. Llamosa P, M. Ruano, L. Martínez, A. Mayoral, E. Román, M. García-Hernández and Y. Huttel, Nanoscale 6, 13483 (2014).

TEM image of Core@shell, Co@Au nanoparticle. Courtesy of Dr. Alvaro Mayoral (IMNA-CSIC)
Related papers:
The Ultimate Step Towards a Tailored Engineering of Core@Shell and Core@Shell@Shell Nanoparticles. D. Llamosa P, M. Ruano, L. Martínez, A. Mayoral, E. Román, M. García-Hernández and Y. Huttel, Nanoscale 6, 13483 (2014).
Novel Co@Au structure formed in bimetallic core@shell nanoparticles. A. Mayoral, D. Llamosa and Y. Huttel, Chemical Communications 51, 8442 (2015).

TEM image of an Co@Ag@Au nanoparticle and corresponding diffraction pattern. Courtesy of Dr. Lidia Martínez (ICMM-CSIC)
Related paper:
The Ultimate Step Towards a Tailored Engineering of Core@Shell and Core@Shell@Shell Nanoparticles. D. Llamosa P, M. Ruano, L. Martínez, A. Mayoral, E. Román, M. García-Hernández and Y. Huttel, Nanoscale 6, 13483 (2014).